Saturday, 9 April 2011

Papoose Part 2

Thanks to everyone for taking such good care of us and feeding us and sending us love over the last week.  We are so so so happy to be out of the hospital and back home. 

And thanks to Jody I have now joined the year 2011 and have a blog to update people on all the exciting happenings of our new family of 4. 
My water broke last Sunday morning around 3 am exactly at 34 weeks which is when Koa was born, so I guess that is when my body says times up!  I’m so glad I decided to take extra time off this time which meant that I could rest for a few weeks, but I didn’t really think I was going to have another baby this early.  In fact we were pretty determined to have a home birth this time round.  As soon as my water broke I pretty much knew this wouldn’t be a possibility any more (although looking back I kind of wish I had just trusted my body more and stayed home because I think we would have been just fine).  Anyhow we called our midwives right away and they came right on over.  Koa was born really quickly and they wanted to be there with us “just in case” well I think this must have jinxed things because once we got the hospital and they hooked up to a lovely round of iv antibiotics every few hours – NOTHING happened...for nearly 48 hours!  And they wouldn’t let us leave (we even tried offering cash bribes).  Once I didn’t show any signs up going into labour we hunkered down for the longest two days ever.  The hospital didn’t have any rooms available for us so we ended up camping out in a windowless delivery suite where we barely slept a wink and got to listen to the glorious sounds of women all around us giving birth at all hours of the day.  Thankfully the Dr’s agreed not to induce we waited and...waited...and just when I was about to take a nice strong sleeping pill so that I could finally get some rest – things got going (thanks in part to a potent curry I had for dinner) around 11/midnight April 4. 
Other than being extremely nauseous pretty much the whole time everything went really well. Considering that we were in such a medical environment for my labour, we got to have a totally natural birth and was well supported my fabulous birth team (Luke, Muriel, Moreka, and Karin the best nurse ever).  My midwife Jen only got to be there for a brief while right before I gave birth (which is totally the hospitals bad for not calling when I asked and something they screwed up with when Koa was born...sorry for hating on hospitals.  I am very grateful that we access to high tech health care when we really need it).  But our midwives also did a great job before and after trying to advocate for us to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.  Of course as things go in the medical world they were overly cautious with us and the baby and so we still had to stay for another three days even though for 34 weeks our son was huge!  He was over a pound heavier than Koa was.  I wont bother boring people with the details of our week stay except to say that the food is horrible, the air is stale and being back in our home is soooooo wonderful. 
Koa is adjusting well so far.  I missed him like crazy while I was away and I am so thankful that Muriel was able to stay and take care of him nearly the whole time (thanks super aunty!).  He has been really cute kissing the baby and being helpful (in a 2 year old way).  I’m sure there will be some jealousy though especially once he realizes the baby is staying for good. 
Well off to bed.  The baby likes to sleep all day and stay up all night so I am going to try and rest while I can.

1 comment:

  1. He is BEAUTIFUL!! I love the little elephant sleeper, it's so cute <3 Does wee bubs have a name yet?
